Thursday, July 15, 2010


*NOTE* This is the true account of a girl who was bullied . All names have been changed . *NOTE*

Blaire was like any typical girl you meet at your average high school with interest and friends and a usually happy life . She loved her younger sisters , cheering for her junior varsity cheer team , and of course , the many friends she spent her time with . Blaire had the perfect life in some's opinions , the sort of life anyone would envy .

Around September of Blaire's very own freshman year , Blaire and her evergrowing flame , MArk , became a couple , with an on again off again roller coaster of a relationship . They were constantly ob the brink of disaster , but Blaire kept her head up and always managed to pick up the pieces and put them back together again .

Soon after Blaire's relationship with Mark bean , a fight ensued between Blaire and a close friend , Paula . Paula had been getting drunk often , at parties , after school , sometimes during school , often showing up on many occasions with a nagover . She was steadily turning into an influence that Blaire did not want or need in her life , and the frindship between them died .

Unfortunately , that was not the cap on endings for Blaire . A few weeks after the end of friendship for Paula and Blaire , the steady flame that Blaire and Mark nursed became a wildfire that engulfed everything and burned them to a crisp . Blaire could not handle the pressure to have sex that Mark was puting on her and thus the realtionship ended with a bitter breakup .

Feeling spurned by the breakup , Mark and Paula developed a dangerous friendship that created a rumor of Blaire having sexual relations with Mark . The rumor spread quickly during Christmas break while Blaire was out of the country on vacation . She recieved text messages from strange numbers asking if she wanted to "hook up" , but Blaire simply pushed them away to enjoy Christmas with her family . But things took the worst turn possible wen Blaire returned to school , only to hear vicious rumors about herself .

Blaire denied all the rumors but was accused of lying and began to be called derogatory slurs like "bitch" and "slut" and "whore" simply by just walking down the hallways .

Blaire continued to brush off the remarks and rumors until another close friend , Jamies , believed it to be true , and the strong facade began to crack . Her situation was beginning to look hopeless in her eyes and fear engulfed Blaire at every turn , yet she held strong to one hope : that she would make the varsity cheer squad and gain respect back once again .

By February , Blaire was being completely ignored and rejected and the word "slut" often followed her . The varsity cheer squad tryouts came and went , leaving Blaire in the dust with her failure , and abandoning all hope of normalcy and friends . Blaire felt humiliated and the varsity chherleaders saw that as an opportunity to kick her while she was down .

After the tryouts , Blaire discovered another close friend had been adding to the rumors , turning them into complicated and detailed stories with elaborate and binding words to make them more real to the general public . When Blaire found that out , it became the straw that broke the camel's back , and suicide became an option .

Later that week Blaire recieved a prank call from three old friends she hadn't talked to in over a year .

Through the reciever she could here one say ,"You're such a f*cking bitch with no friends ." The others laughed in the background as if it were all a joke that would be forgotten in the morning .

Blaire hung up the phone and raced to the bahroom , sobbing . Her little sister , Lizzie , heard her crying and knocked on the door to see what was wrong . All Blaire could say was ," You don't understand what I've been through this year . I'm ready to kill myself . I don't even care anymore , I have no friends and everyone hates me and calls me a whore ."

Lizzie got their mom to talk to Blaire , hoping to end the situation . In the end , the decision was made not to attend the same high school the following year .

Finally Blaire started hanging out with Michelle and Marily , reliable friens that support and care about her , and since then , things have gotten better . But the scars of hurtful words still cut deep into her mind where she will never forget these ghosts . Unfortunately , these things happen to boys and girls just like us , every day . All becase we never learn to watch our words . How many innocent and hurting people must we kill before we learn the pont where our words become the fist that knocks them over the edge ?

You may stand in the hallways at school , gossiping behind someone's back with your cutting remarks , but before you open your mouth , consider that theymay go home every night , wondering if it would be better to face eath's ultimatum than to a world of faces and knives in their back . Start he revolution on bullying . Fight back . Pass The Help .

Poison In Your Glass : The realities of Alchohol

Throughout the world , alchohol can be found in most cultures , whether its uses are medicinally or for a good time , everyone recognizes its uses and availability . Yet if we truly look deeper at the statistics , we find the shocking truth of what is really , a slow acting poison . Worldwide , alchohol alone kills 1.8 million people . In the U.S , alchohol directly kills over 75,000 people a year . If that isn't shocking enough , we can find 6.2% of all 8th grade students in the U.S have been drunk before , as have 18.5% of all 10th grade students , and 30% of 12th grade students . Yet even more surprising and awful is what we find is part of the alchohol , such as ethyl alchohol , methyl alchohol , isoprpyl alchohol , and butyl alchohol .

If you're wondering why its so important to know whats in the alchohol itself , listen to this . Ethyl alchohol is found in ALL alchoholic beverages as a main psychoactive ingrediant , while butyl alchohol and methyl alchohol are both used in industrial processes . And the most disgusting ? Isopropyl alchohol , often used in shaving lotoions , shellac , antifreeze , antiseptics , and lacquer . Its no wonder that excessive drinking can cause ,ajor health problems like pancreatitis , blackouts , liver damage , heart probems , nervous system damage , comas , and even death if drunken too much and too quickly .

Another deadly side effect of drinking ? An advanced liver disease called cirrhosis that occurs when alchohol kills too many liver cells and causes scarring . And something not commonly known is that alchohol has a direct link to breast cancer .

Yet unfortunately , these facts are all found to be a higher risk for women than men . Why? Well , because women have less body water than men do , making it harder to dilute the alchohol in their bodies , and women don't have as many enzymes in their stomachs as men do , meaning the alchohol in their stomachs does not get broken down very well before it is metabolized into their bloodstream , making it physically worse for women .

So while your considering the next keg party , consider the facts . Trust your heart and make decisions you feel are safe and right . Stay drug free . Pass The Help .

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Low Self Esteem

If you have friend struggling with low self esteem issues , you know first hand that it can be difficult convincing them that they are worth something . You see how they struggle and hurt and the unhealthy results that follow (i.e. promiscuouity , self injury , eating disorder, etc.) and it is hard to feel like you can help them . And sometimes you can't without professional help , BUT sometimes you can .

Let your friend know how special they are to you , do something that will let them know that you REALLY do care . Most people with low self esteem feel that people around them are insincere in their feelings toward them and constantly wonder if people actually love them . Which is why it is important that you show them your true feelings .

Don't judge your friend by what they do , because more often than not , its for attention . Let them know how you feel about it because they WANT someone to stop them and tell them that yes , you did notice what they did , and yes it scared you/ you thought it was wrong . Don't judge them by how they dress either , that is one of the biggest insecurities for a person with low self esteem . How they dress gives them a sense of power and if that is taken away then they may lash out .

Be interested in what they're interested in and I don't mean faking it so you can talk about what you want to talk about . Really listen , make posotive comments .

Be honest with them , if they ask for advice , be straighforward .

Don't indulge in 'fattalk' or be negative about your looks or your friends looks .

Compliment your friend , not just on looks but on things that they do well :)

Maybe even do something good for the community together , it will make you and your friend feel like a better person for doing it .

Low self esteem is something difficult that many kids and teens struggle with and it can be a tough thing to face down . Just by being there , you can improve your friends self esteem . But if your friend has serious issues or you feel that he or she may need serious , professional help , but don't be afraid to get it for your friend . Stand tall . Pass The Help .

Your Life IS Precious

There are times in this world when we feel fake . When we feel helpess and alone . And it feels hard to fight off . Suddenly , you're losing your grip on the edge of the riverbank and drowning in the ice flow where you feel that no one will reach outand grab your hand . And while you're holding your holding your breath so deep under water , you think , I am no one . No one loves me . If they knew the truth they'd all hate me , and I'm ugly/fat/stupid . I'm done .

But thats not true . You have purpose and dreams and memories and the fact that your heart beats every day is a gift . You are precious . And giving up will only mean pain and anger and frustration for those you leave behind . Do you want them to feel that ? The weight of so much of the world ? Where do you find yourself that you need to escape's hard . Whatever situation you're in , its hard .

You say you're no one , but thats not true . A no one would NOT have a heart that beats , blood , a pulse , thoughts and dreams that could paint the world with life . You're not no one , not if you feel joy and pain and love and hate .

You say that no one loves you , but how can that be true ? You may have so many people surrounding you that love and care about you that you don't even realize or appreciate right . Look for them , make connections and ALLOW them to love you and share themselves .

How do you know they would hate you if they knew the truth ? Have you asked ? Have you read their mind ? Talk to them , be your self . There is nothing worse than hiding who you truly are becaue of fear . Although if you are truly concerned or fear for your life and your safety , then you need to confide these concerns to someone who can help .

Who cares what you look like ? It doesn't matter . So people see you and you're not particularly beautiful , no one is .The surface is not the deepest most beautiful part of you . YOU are the deepest most beautiful part of you . Just because the package is wrapped well , does not make the gift worthwhile .

You are a precious person with a life and hopes and dreams . You contribute so much to the world and you need to understand that . I may not know WHO you are but I don't care . I believe that you are worth saving because everyone has someting t give bak to the world . You are precious , even to me . Pas The Help .

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Respecting Women and Women Respecting Themselves

If there is one thing that I have noticed in today's world , it is that women are portrayed as fair game for sexual misadventures and are especially depicted as such in the media . Flick through nearly any channel , and it will show girls dressing too sexy or scantily clad in order to gain the attention of men , often times sacrificing personal beliefs and being put in uncomfortable and innapropriate situations . Yet , sadly , the influence these girls in the media are giving out is a demeaning one that teaches women and young girls alike that it is ok to sacrifice how comfortable you are to gain the attention of men , the jelousy of other girls , and to feel "sexy" .

When asked , most girls would say that it is important to feel sexy , some would even say it is ok to sacrifice being comfortable if the gain was "feeling better about your body" . But if we are being honest , this sacrifice can be very damamging to many girls' self esteem and cause them to lose so much self respect . Now , for just a moment , imagine how most girls struggling with their self esteem issues already , feel . They do not feel pretty or beautiful or special . Then suddenly , the magic trick to instant attention and adoration appears : tou can dress sexily and be promiscous .

But why , ones has to ask , is this so important to girls and women everywhere ? Why would they need the attention of others to feel pretty ? That's just it : they need others to surround them and tell them that they're beautiful and to affirm them . Yet , most girls don't know how to achieve this affirmation by themselves , so they look in the wrong plces for affirmation that they are , in fact , pretty . Although , once they turn to promiscuity and too sexy clothes , it can actually make them feel worse about themselves and soon others will also begin to treat them poorly . This promiscuity and trashy dress will NOT give these grls and women the attention they want and need .

If women do truly aim to find this respect , they first must respect themselves . Have personal values that you believe in and can uphold . Don't dress or act in ways that you think will win you attention . Don't be promiscuous because you think you can earn someone's love or respect that way , because you cannot . Dress in a classy way that shows your body , be polite and kind to others . Instead of being promiscuous , show you have class and have only one oerson that you love and that you truly know loves you . If you respect yourself , others will respect you .

To any boys or men reading this article , it is time for a lesson on respecting women . Women are sensitive creatures with emotions and feelings just like you . You don't like being used , so don't use them! Playing games with a woman is down right rude and twisted and you will never achieve anything by hurting her . If you do the unthinkable and HIT a WOMAN , you are disrespecting her in one of the worst possible ways . How can you possibly expect her to respect you , if you do not respect her ? Women are not just there fo your sexual overtures , women want to be loved and appreciated , not come on to by someone ignorant to their feelings .

The point is , mutual respect is important . Women need to respect others and themselves before they gain respect , yet in return , women need to be respected in order to respect themselves . DOn't be ignorant to someones feelings . Respect yourself . Pass The Help .

Eating Disorders

Quite Often in todays society , eating disorders are viewed as things that only the poor , ballerina girl with the perfectionist father and the ovrbearing mother have . But the truth is , eating disorders can arise in anyone , both male and female , in any situation . These eating disorders are commonly defines as anorexia nervosa , bulimia nervosa , and binge eating disorder . These eating disorders are unhealthy habits formed from issues with control and self discipline , and often have underlying causes such as anxiety , depression , bipolar disorder , schizophrenia , ad split personality disorder .

So what exactly is anorexia nervosa ? Anorexia nervosa is when a person becomes afraid of getting fat and restricts calories and food . Common signs of anorexia nervosa are :

*extreme weightloss

*complains of being cold all the time

*brittle skin

*grows soft , fuzzy lanugo hair all over their body

*wears overlarge clothing

*hair loss

*works out even when sick or injured

*excessively tired or lethargic

*has a hard time focusing

*constantly talks about weight or food

* has mood swings

Now when people think about anorexia nervosa they also think about bulimia nervosa , yet they are not the same . People with bulimia nervosa believe they are fat but lack the self control to restrict foods , so they eat in excess then make themselves vomit or use laxatives/diuretics to rid themselves of the food . Common signs of bulimia nervosa are :

*rapid weightloss or gain

*growing lanugo all over body

*hides food

*takes walks or goes to the bathroom after meals

*has cuts or scratches on knuckles

*has swollen , chipmunk-like cheeks

A third eating disorder , not often recognized , but closely related to bulimia nervosa , is binge eating disorder . Anyone with binge eating disorder lacks the self control to maintain a normal, healthy weight , and overindulges in food . Common signs of binge eating disorder are :

*often overweight

*hides food

*has a low self esteem

Now it is very important to know that eating disorders are potentially life threatening if left unresolved by professional help . If you or someone you know has one of these eating disorders , you must tell someone IMMEDIATELY . We , here at Pass The Help want you to know that we hope you understand to love your body and take care of it the righ way . Pass The Help .

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